The Deep

Feb 2, 2025    Joshua

We're so excited to have you a part of our 2nd "Seed" Service this year.

Here at YWBD we do things a bit different on Sundays.

The first Sunday of the month we plant the "Seed" of new revelation. The second Sunday we water that seed with Selah Sunday, where we answer questions you have about the seed service and share testimonies.

The third Sunday we Feast and put on display the fruit God has produced in our life through content creation of the YWBD Family and trivia questions from our Pastors.

The fourth we rest, reflect and review all of our growth in Him with a Sabbath Sunday with no LIVE service.

We pray that this message blessed you... Come in family... Come in!

Be sure to send in your questions and testimonies for this coming Selah Sunday! Glory!!!