The Home K.E.Y. Network

Liability policy

Policy Statement:
This policy establishes guidance for the use of personal property or injury in the conduct of ministry on behalf of Your Will Be Done Ministries, Inc.

Inclusions and Exclusions:
All pastors, ministers, employees, volunteer leaders, members, and attenders of the church are governed or influenced by this policy.  There are no specifically excluded individuals, groups, or departments to this policy.  

The Senior Pastor of the church is responsible for the management of this policy.  The Senior Pastor of the church provides practical administration of this policy.  The Board of the church is authorized to make changes to the scope and detail of this policy in accordance with the bylaws of the church.

As a Home K.E.Y. Network Volunteer and participant in the programs or events of Your Will Be Done Ministries, Inc, I do hereby release, forever discharge and hold harmless Your Will Be Done Ministries, Inc and any unattended directors, pastors, members, and board members from any and all liability, claims, or demands for personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damage and expenses that may occur in a Home K.E.Y. Network Volunteer's home or designated location.

The owner of personal property used in the conduct of ministry will hold Your Will Be Done Ministries, Inc, harmless for any accident, injury, or damage sustained to person or property as a result of the proper or improper use of said personal property.  Your Will Be Done Ministries, Inc, specifically rejects any responsibility for the use of personally owned property in the conduct of ministry on behalf of Your Will Be Done Ministries, Inc.